Panic! News:
Links Page Updated (September 2, 2002) by Slander
New crap on the Links page. Enjoy.
Guest Strips (August 19, 2002) by Slander
Wow. I'm actually ahead on strips. Not only do I have a buffer of screencap strips in the works, but I also recieved two guest strips this week by my friends Raven and Tenko! Enjoy!
And yeah, updates to the rest of the site are coming.
Long time, no see. (August 13, 2002) by Slander
Sorry for the lack of updates. I wanted to go from one drawn strip to the next, but it just doesn't look like it's going to be that way. I'm not really worried about getting sued, since I don't have anything to lose, so enjoy lots of screencappy filler between story strips.
The Toybox is due for an update, as is the Links page. The Guerrilla List is also long overdue for an overhaul.
If you're wondering what the page title is a reference to, visit Yartek and find out.
Updates, baby! (June 26, 2002) by Slander
New comic. This one's a true story, by the way.
A new Snowy-comic will be on its way as soon as Snow finishes playing another 100 hours of Ragnarok Online.
Speaking of Snowart, check out these killer bookmarks! Just print them (uncheck Fit To Page,) cut them out, fold 'em in half, and you can take Panic! wherever you go!
While we're at it, here's a flyer you can print out and post all over town! Spread the love!
We've been busy! (June 16, 2002) by Slander
On Thursday, I opened my Toybox. The response from the Transformers community was very satisfying.
On Friday, I went to Heroes Con. I met some really fantastic people, all of whom are going to join the links page soon. I picked up some great indie comics and plugged our site to some very big names.
On Saturday, Altered States Magazine published an article written by me! The photography is mine, too. Enjoy!
A new comic is on its way! Hang in there!
Out With The Old (May 26, 2002) by Slander
Cosmo is gone, disappeared without a trace. Snowy is the wave of the future. Welcome him. Also: visit his art site. It's fucking awesome.
Slimy Bunnies is over. Try out Life as Lucy.
Disappointment (May 2, 2002) by Slander
I haven't heard from Cosmo since I sent her the last script. I don't know what's going on, but I'm sick of waiting. I've also been hyper-lazy with the updates. I'm sorry for that. I blame IRC. I really, truly do.
I moved all the old news to the archive. I'll try to get some more work done Sunday and get a new comic up soon. Oh, and don't forget about...
Fuckin' Server! (April 14, 2002) by Slander
I uploaded the new comic, etc. last Wednesday. (See the April 11 post below.) Keenspace has been having update problems, so it hasn't shown up 'til just now.
Sorry for the delay, folks. Enjoy the awesome guest strip!
*Snow is a demon (April 11, 2002) by Slander
Our first fanart/guest strip since 2.0, drawn by none other than Snowy! Visit his site by clicking the link above.
d00d! (April 5, 2002) by Slander
Damn, I love Unreal Tournament, especially now that Chaos UT Beta 4 is out. Much ass-kicken!
I set up an IRC channel for Panic! discussion. #panic! on DALnet. Come visit!
More updates tomorrow!
Chicks Dig Me (March 25, 2002) by Slander
If you're confused about the comic, Jack Chick is a man who draws incredibly-fundamoronic, comic book-styled religious tracts which declare everything from Dungeons and Dragons to Christian rock to be the work of Satan. While I'd like to think that something so outrageously, blatantly ignorant and biased could only be the work of parody, there are plenty of people who take Jack's work very seriously. Frankly, Jack's tracts offend me and I'm a devout Christian.
In one of Chick's tracts, a "medium" is discussing the spirit that he communicates with, a "super-evolved being" named Seth. This word-bubble is marked with an asterisk. Below the panel is written, "*Seth is a demon." It's become a bit of an inside joke at my favorite IRC channel.
If you want to read Chick's tracts, here's his site.
I'll have some other crap later, when I'm not pissed off.
Linkage (March 20, 2002) by Slander
Added some Stuff to the Links page. Dig it.
The Revamp Begins (March 13, 2002) by Slander
Welcome to the newest incarnation of Panic!
Let me be the first to introduce you to Pepper and Scott. As the comic explains, we've moved to a story-based strip rather than a joke-based one. Through this story, I hope to explore how in-person relationships are affected by online life and vice-versa. Their online lives will be documented via screencap comics, though not necessarily screencaps of Palace. Like real people, Scott and Pepper lead multifaceted online lives, so screencap comics will draw from Palace, IRC, ICQ, and even emails and message-board posts. This is something that, to my knowledge, has never been done to this extent before.
I'm really excited about this new direction and I hope that you, the readers, are as well.
One more thing: I know the "revamp" is more of a face-lift so far, but we're just getting started.
Small Things (March 11, 2002) by Slander
Revamped comic and site coming in the next day or so. Watch for 'em!
In the meantime, I've made a few changes to the Guerrilla List and added links and gaming pages. Go me.
Also, Warren and Slimy Bunnies are updating again! Go now! If you miss the days when Trioxin drew Panic! then you owe it to yourself to give Warren a visit.
It's been half a year and the world hasn't ended. Life is good.
Sorry, folks... (February 10, 2002) by Slander
There hasn't been a new comic in almost a month, I know. I'm sorry about this, guys. I promise to have one up in the next two days. It may very well be the last of a dying breed, though, since Cosmo and I are revamping the comic. We're going to take it in a new direction, with characters and storylines and everything. We've got some wonderful stories we're going to tell and I promise they'll be worth the wait.
In the meantime, I've made some changes to the Guerrilla List. A few of the comics no longer exist and I've added a couple of new ones.
SWM22 Seeks Emotionally Stable... (January 19, 2002) by Slander
Because I'm ungodly pissed at my ex-girlfriend, I wrote an incoherent, foul-mouthed rant last night.
Because I'm desperate for attention/support/love/chocolate, I decided to share it with the world.
Because I'm lazy, I haven't made a webpage for it yet, even though Keenspace is letting us update again.
Because you're sick of all the "becauses" in this post, you'll go here to read it in all of its mood-swingy glory.
Because Zippy's a virgin, feel free to ignore his response.
That is all.
Argle-Bargle and Foo-Furilla (January 15, 2002) by Slander
No new comic just yet, but we'll have one up soon. In the meantime, I moved all the old news to the archive. I usually don't shuffle every single new update onto the archives, but I was tired of having to scroll past all the old news to get to the Guerrilla List. Besides, it's 2002. Time for a clean slate and whatnot.
I'm working on a few content updates, including a FAQ and a links page which will list some of our personal favorite sites, in addition to mainstream comics that Cosmo and I read. I may also put up a rants page. It won't be anything as grand as the Weekly Panic or as big as Rantopia was intended to be. It'll just be a page for me to vent things. No fancy ghetto graphics, no "kewl" fonts, just words.
Christmas, Chaunnakah, Agnostica, Solstice, Kwanzaa, etc... (December 24, 2001) by Slander
Well, folks, that's it. The last Panic! of 2001.
Why? 'Cause I'll be out of town from the 27th to January 3rd, visiting family, and Cosmo doesn't know how to update the site. (I've been meaning to show her, but we don't usually have time.)
I'll be offline while I'm gone. However, I may stop by the Bitch Board, so keep checking!
Happy Holidays and (a la Eddie Murphy in Trading Places) Merry New Year!
Also, I added some great new comics to the Guerrilla List. Check 'em out!
Meh meh meh meh... (December 15, 2001) by Slander
I'll update the LOTW later, when I'm not in the middle of a Changeling game. I'll also have some new content when Cosmo gets the new buttons to me.
Also, check out Mega Tokyo quick, while Piro's still having artist's block! I don't know what's more amusing: the comic or Piro's perfectionistic self-deprecation.
Speaking of burnout, the amazing Cool Cat Studio is on hiatus, but you can preorder issues 2 and 3 of the CCS comic books! #2 features my favorite muscle-chick, Bones! Buy it now!
UT soooo sw33t! (December 6, 2001) by Slander
I was too lazy to do a newspost last week. Sue me.
I'm busy with finals, but I'll do some content updates soon.
Also, I got Unreal Tournament today. (Thanks, AJ!) Who's up for some fraggin'?
Whee... (November 19, 2001) by Slander
This week's comic isn't an insult to Edge, which happens to be my favorite soda. In fact, I'm drinking it as I type this! It's an insult to all of those people who bitch at me for having two ads. The fact is that a single adbanner isn't enough to cover Keenspace's bandwidth costs. They're nice enough to only require one banner on each page, so I'm nice enough to put up two of them.
If you're feeling generous, you could go here for me...
I added a few new links to the Guerrilla Webcomics list and fixed the link to Hard's personal work.
Those surprises are still in the works. Trust me!
Do any of you folks use Netscape? If you do, let me know if the site looks okay. It should, but I'd like to know for sure without having to download a new browser.
@&$%in' Predacons can suck my tailpipe! (November 2, 2001) by Slander
The Link-Of-The-Week is Flatliner's Page of Awesomeness. Check it out if you like Transformers, or even if you don't. With foul-mouthed, evil dump trucks named Slayer, you just can't go wrong.
I've got some surprises in the works. Stay tuned!
I'm also desperate for cash. Would anyone be interested if I set up a PayPal donation-thingy?
It even has an evil bastard named Drew! (October 25, 2001) by Slander
First off, thanks to Raven for another great guest comic!
Second, our Link Of The Week is the awesome Mac Hall! It's got everything! It's got computers, cute girls (well, a cute girl), game humor, kickass art, everything!
It even has a sarcastic bastard named Drew! Just like the Bitch Board!
Various Crap (October 20, 2001) by Slander
I revised the Guerrilla Webcomics list. There are a couple of new strips there. Do any of you folks actually read the strips on the list?
I'm reposting this link because Keenspot deserves money. It doesn't cost you anything to refresh a page a few times, does it?
I haven't heard from Cosmo in a week. Until she gets back, enjoy the screencap comics 'cause I can't draw.
Rantopia City (September 21, 2001) by Slander
Hot on the heels of Panic's new artist comes Rantopia City! This is a reincarnation of my former site, the Weekly Panic, and a joint venture with Tigerwolf of Panic #2 fame.
The next comic will be late. Check back every day to see if it's done!
2.0 (September 16, 2001) by Slander
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new artist, Cosmic Brownie! Let her know what you think, guys!
Sorry for the delay in getting the new comic, but that's just the way it is.
In a week or so, my email addy will cease redirecting to my Hotmail box. Bleh. I'm looking for an alternative service which will still let me have a slander@ addy and redirect to Hotmail. If you know of any, drop me a line at
No Words... (September 11, 2001) by Slander
God in Heaven... I just can't express how I feel right now. It's a living nightmare, live on TV.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families in the wake of this unthinkable tragedy.
Patience is a Virtue (September 7, 2001) by Slander
I know the comic's late. Trust me, it'll be worth the wait!
There's lots of new Stuff coming!
In the meantime, check out this ONIDS guest strip by myself and Savage Lucy of Slimy Bunnies fame!
I can't stop sketching! (August 27, 2001) by Slander
First off, I moved all the old news to the archive. I also removed Trioxin's email button-thingy, but I'm keeping the Warren link because Warren 0wnz j00.
I'm in negotiations with a new artist and I hope it works out because she's really good. It'll be hard to find someone who knew what I wanted the way Trioxin did, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.
Saturday night, I had an opportunity to chat with one of my tribal gods, Jeremy "Norm" Scott, creator of my all-time favorite comic strip, The Adventures of Hsu and Chan, Game Designers! Let me tell you, he's as friendly as they come and he gave me some great advice. "Stay true to the vision, lad," he said, "and then sell out!" He also encouraged me to return to drawing. Today, I made a few sketches at school. Check 'em out in the order in which I drew them.
A sketch of my comic alter-ego, done using Panic #2 as a reference. One of the first freehand sketches I've done in years.
A quickie of TMS2's Hammer, who appeared in Panic #7. I think that, from now on, TMS2 wizards in this comic will have a little, floating asterisk that follows them around. This was done without any kind of reference and the original drawing was too small for me to letter his hat.
An aborted rough sketch of Savage Lucy from Slimy Bunnies. As you can see, I need a lot more practice drawing women.
And, finally, a funny little sketch of Tigerwolf. I ended up redrawing pretty much everything on this, but I think it came out nicely.
What do YOU think? Let me know!
Out with the old, in with the new. (August 23, 2001) by Slander
Please enjoy this guest strip by Raven.
Here comes some bad news: Mister Trioxin, due to factors both private and personal, has decided to leave the strip. As a result, I'm now looking for a new artist to draw Panic. I can't do it myself. My art skills are pretty much nonexistent. If you're interested, you know what to do.
On the upside, keep watching this space for news of Rantopia! It's gonna be sweet, I promise.
Mergle. (August 16, 2001) by Slander
I know I promised a massive update, but factors in my real life have delayed it.
It'll be up soon.
Links, Rants, and Motivation (August 10, 2001) by Slander
I linked to a pretty obscure Transformers webcomic below. I hope you enjoy Claire Garza's Offset!
I'm going to do a massive update next week, adding a FAQ, a links section with our favorite mainstream webcomics, and the triumphant return of my weekly rants.
Thanks to Noc and Red for the inspiration for this week's comic!
Umm, yeah... (August 2, 2001) by Slander
Wanna see something cool? Click here. Give it time to load, though.
I added a new Guerrilla comic to the list.
Check out the Flash Stuff in Warren's links. They're hilarious! Hatt baby!
Do you need Web design or a fresh, versatile voice for your media project? If so, contact me. You're looking at a sample of my Web work and you can find voice samples here. (Save them to your drive before playing them, or you'll just get static.)
Vacation! (July 26, 2001) by Slander
I'm headed off to my vacation!
I couldn't think of anything funny in time for Trioxin to draw it, so I improvised.
And yes, that's me on the left. Gape and mock now so it's out of your system by the time I get back.
We finally did it! (July 21, 2001) by Slander
Anniversaries and Video Games (June 21, 2001) by Slander
One month already! Wow! I've got a lot to say this week, so let's get down to it.
In case you're wondering, MT and I are dressed as characters from our favorite FPS games. I'm a Jedi Knight (from Jedi Knight, duh) and MT is a Predator from Aliens vs. Predator.
I'm hoping to do more of these "in-costume" strips with characters dressed as characters from video games, anime, RPGs, and the like. MT will probably hate me for that. o_O
I added links to our message board and some great Palace links. (Yes, it's actually my other site's board, but you guys can use it, too.) Also, the news section is getting a bit crowded, so I've created a news archive page.
MT added another surprise strip over at Warren. Check it out, 'cause it's very funny.
Are there any other features you'd like to see on this site? If so, let us know!
When you bookmark this site, please be sure to bookmark We're going to be switching servers soon, so the redirect will send you to our new location.
Hoo-boy! (June 14, 2001) by Slander
You guys had better laugh because, if my girlfriend's initial reaction to this comic is any indication, I'm never having sex again.
On a related note: I love you, baby!
On an unrelated note: If you found your way here via one of the fliers I've been pimping around, let us know!
*mutter* (June 11, 2001) by Slander
I didn't make it to the con. Stupid transportation issues.
I saw Swordfish on Friday. It fucking rocked.
I added a new link below. If you're 18 or over, check it out.
Bleh. I feel shitty. I'm gonna have a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch and go to bed.
. . . Yes, I know having cereal at 1 AM is weird. Wanna make something of it? Huh? Do ya, motherfucker?
Didn't think so.
Gah! (June 7, 2001) by Slander
Sorry the comic's a bit late. I got caught up in real life.
Why does MT never post here? I dunno. I guess he just doesn't have anything to say.
I'm gonna be at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC, this Saturday, passing out flyers for Panic! and Warren. If you see me there, stop and say hi!
Scheduling (June 3, 2001) by Slander
Someone pointed out to me that it's probably a good idea to mention our update schedule here. At the moment, MT and I plan to have a new comic up every Thursday. I was a little late getting the script to him this week; however, I'll probably have script 3 to him a day or two early. We do this comic in our free time, so it may be late now and then.
Heyhey! (May 31, 2001) by Slander
Well, folks, our first strip is up! Sorry for the slow load-time, but it's hard to do full-color work in Photoshop and still maintain a tiny filesize. MT and I are still new to this, so please bear with us. (For those who haven't caught on, the guy in the hat is Yours Truly. ^_^) In the near future, we plan to have a characters page, more links, and all sorts of crap. We've also applied to Keenspace, but it'll be at least a month before we hear from them. In the meantime, dig MT's other comics right here. Good Stuff, I promise!
What is a guerrilla comic? It's any comic that flies below the radar, has a still-small fanbase, and usually isn't yet supported by the Big Boys (Keenspot and Big Panda). These underdogs are often the best comics you aren't reading. Why wait? Check out our fellow obscurities, linked below!
Panic! is ©2001 Violet Angel Productions and Mister Trioxin.
Steal our Stuff and we'll skull-rape you.
TMS backgrounds ©2001 It's a sweet website and no infringement is intended.