My love for Robots In Disguise Ultra Magnus knows no bounds. I love everything about him, from his badass run-em-down truck mode to his 'Con-kickin', long-legged, buttstomping robot mode. It's no secret that I spend a lot of time playing with him. Once, while transforming him, I looked to the leg/trailer section I had just put off to the side and thought, "That could make a nifty light assault platform."

I'm not going to show you how to make this mode, since it's really easy to figure out from the pictures.

Y'know, I'd bet Side Burn never makes fun of Wedge's size again...

A pair of Spychangers can hang out under the guns, but I had the base tilted slightly forward.

Closeup of Blue Bolts' support struts. No, it's not really attached in any way.

Note the leg panels supporting the side panels.

Also, I came up with something for Magnus' cab to be doing while his ass-end is a base. Without the weight of his rear section, Magnus can get more "oomph!" out of his engine and can use his rockets, so he converts to a lightly-armed Battle Wagon! (Yeah, I know this is stretching it a bit.)

Primary high-speed config with small pulse guns.Hyper Assault Mode with cab shield and Ultra Particle Cannons. (Yeah, yeah, I know how lame it looks.)

All content is ©2002 Violet Angel Productions/Destruction Press, not associated with Hasbro, Bandai, Takara, or any other company. Photos of trademarked products are used for non-profit purposes only.

Steal from me and I'll rip your spleen out.